My Professional Experience

Research Experience

BEACON Research Fellow                                                                                                                                      05/2021 – Present

College of Veterinary Medicine & BEACON Research Centre , East Lansing, MI

Developing a tractable mouse model to study the spread and emergence of antimicrobial resistance among the gut microbiota community members.   

  • Designed and executed both in-vitro and in-vivo experiments
  • Analyzed sanger, shotgun, and 16S metagenomic sequencing data using multiple bioinformatics tools
  • Mentored two undergraduate students in the project

Witter Research Fellow                                                                                                                                           08/2020 – 05/2021

College of Veterinary Medicine & Institute of Integrative Toxicology, East Lansing, MI

Studying horizontal gene transfer of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) among commensal and pathogenic bacteria  

  • Built a reproducible in-vitro system to study transfer of resistance genes among bacteria
  • Culture and Isolation of multi-drug resistant pathogens from different samples
  • Mentored four undergraduate students in different lab projects

Graduate Research Assistant                                                                                                                                09/2017 – 08/2020

Comparative Enteric Diseases Laboratory, Food Safety and Toxicology Centre, East Lansing, MI

Studied evolution of Campylobacter jejuni leads to loss of motility, rpoN (s54) deletion, and genome reduction.  

  • Performed pathogenic jejuni culture, motility assay, colony PCR, and transmission electron microscopy.
  • Analyzed whole-genome re-sequencing data through population genomic and SNP polymorphism methods
  • Mentored one undergraduate student in this project
  • Written and published peer-reviewed manuscript

Fulbright Research Fellow                                                                                                                               09/2015 – 08/2017

Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, College of Human Medicine, East Lansing, MI

Studied Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Salmonella Enteritidis & Campylobacter Outbreaks in the USA  

  • Retrieved national level outbreaks data (1990-2015), cleaned and transformed the data using R software
  • Performed statistical analyses (descriptive & binomial regression) using SAS software
  • Defended thesis and published manuscripts

    Fulbright Research Fellow                                                                                                                               09/2015 – 08/2017

    Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, College of Human Medicine, East Lansing, MI

    Studied Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Salmonella Enteritidis & Campylobacter Outbreaks in the USA  

    • Retrieved national level outbreaks data (1990-2015), cleaned and transformed the data using R software
    • Performed statistical analyses (descriptive & binomial regression) using SAS software
    • Defended thesis and published manuscripts

      I’ve Worked With

      Teaching Experience

      Graduate Teaching Assistant                                                                                                                               Spring 2020

      Fundamental of Genetics (IBIO/PLB 341), Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI

      Major Responsibilities: Taught two recitation sections (average 60 students), held office hours for problems solving, & prepared and graded (quizzes, assignments, and exams)

      Course Developer (Graduate Level Online Course)                                                                                         Fall 2019

      One Health-Transdisciplinary Collaboration in Global Health (OST-821), Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI

      Major Responsibilities: Developed course curriculum, course guide, assignments, exams, and assessment plans

      Parasitology Lab Instructor                                                                                                                                  Fall 2019

      Vet Sci II (VM530) Parasitology Laboratory, College of Veterinary Medicine, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI

      Major Responsibilities: Gave hands-on training to veterinary student to prepare microscopic slides for identifying different parasites in clinical samples of multiple animals species (dog, cat, cattle, sheep and horse) under microscope 

      Graduate Teaching Assistant                                                                                                                               Spring 2019

      Fundamental of Genetics (IBIO/PLB 341), Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI

      Major Responsibilities: Taught two recitation sections (average 60 students), held office hours for problems solving, & prepared and graded (quizzes, assignments, and exams)

      Clinical Experience

      Assistant Farm Doctor                                                                                                                                                                        2014-2015 

      Chawla Dairy Farm 

      Job Description: Monitoring herd health, performing regular animal exams, overseeing farm staff, vaccinating animals seasonally, and treating patients. 

      Clinical Intern Veterinarian                                                                                                                                                              2014 

      Civil Veterinary Hospital & Slaughter House, TLW, Faisalabad 

      Job Description: Closely worked with main doctor to treat outdoor animal patients (small and large animals), performed physical examinations and recorded patients’ history. Performed all animal health check-up before slaughtering and collected samples, oversaw the hygienic standards of slaughter house and meet quality. Participated in seasonal animals vaccination campaigns.

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